Bath Parks and Recreation
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Lacrosse, Grades Pre K-2 Register View Cart

Grades Pre-K - 2 (Ages 4-8)
*2nd graders who have at least 1 year experience in our K-2 program are eligible to sign up to participate in the 3rd-4th grade program*

1-2 offerings a week, this 6 week clinic based program featuring stations for agility, dodging, passing & shooting.


Pre K-2 Girls: 
Wednesdays 4:00-5:00pm @ Maritime Field
April 30th-June 4th

Pre K-2 Boys: (2 options)
Tuesdays and/or Thursday 4:30-5:30pm @ Maritime Field
April 29th-June 4th
Come either day or both!


$35 Resident / $40 Non-Resident
Players must provide their own lacrosse stick, mouth guard and water bottle (Cleats Optional)
Registration will be closed on April 11th
OR when program becomes full.
*Please note that numbers will be limited and you may be put on a waiting list. To provide more participants, we need coaches! Please contact Dana at AND if interested.

We understand Lacrosse is an expensive sport, if you need help getting equipment please let us know. "Friends of Bath Youth Lacrosse" & Bath Parks & Recreation Department will do whatever we can to help.

Program Behavior Policy:
Please read our new behavior policy for programs. (link below)

Additional Forms and Files:
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Lacrosse, Boys Grades Pre K-2 
4y - 8y PK - 2 TuTh  04/29/2025 - 06/03/2025
04:30 PM - 05:30 PM

Maritime Field
$35.00 Res, $40.00 Non-Res
*2nd graders who have at least 1 year experience in our K-2 program are eligible to sign up to participate in the 3rd-4th grade program*
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Lacrosse, Girls Grades Pre K-2 
4y - 8y PK - 2 04/30/2025 - 06/04/2025
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Maritime Field
$35.00 Res, $40.00 Non-Res
*2nd graders who have at least 1 year experience in our K-2 program are eligible to sign up to participate in the 3rd-4th grade program*
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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